Friday, October 26, 2012

Corsica, France

October 04, 2012 – October 11, 2012

The trip to Ajaccio, Corsica took only 4 days. They were just typical days of classes and day watch at sea. One of the physical watch positions is Safety, and you have to do a round of the ship twice every hour to look for fires. There are specific places you have to check every time and the Officer on watch will tell you if you have to do anything else (clean up something, check portholes for leaks, etc.). While I was on Safety I learnt that there is apparently an astronaut figurine hidden somewhere on the ship that you are supposed to be able to find while on your safety round. I have been looking and looking though and haven’t seen it yet!
October 8th was arrival day – happy Thanksgiving everybody! I was on galley and we had Thanksgiving lunch with all the students, teachers, and maritime crew (we usually eat all the meals in two sittings, except for Sunday night suppers where we all eat together, maritime crew included). After a great lunch, we got into our number ones (Class Afloat uniforms for formal occasions) and walked from the ship to the house where Napoleon was born (he was from Corsica) where a mayor’s reception was hosted for us to welcome us to Ajaccio.
Following the reception (which involved a couple of speeches, and refreshments afterwards) we had shore leave for supper. 
Wearing our numbers 1's (uniform) at the Mayor's reception
 We didn’t have shore leave the next day though because it was port program day! It was our first overnight port program; we drove a few hours across Corsica to the Ecovillage of Fondale. It was smaller than expected, with only 6 people living there and their goal was to live peacefully and to be more environmentally sustainable. When we got there we ate pizza that was cooked on a wood oven, fresh picked fruit, and delicious fresh almonds. It was really good, but we could also tell that the Ecovillage had never had so many people there before. After lunch we helped with some work around the village. As we walked to the garden, the path led us through the forest and across a little stream with a tiny waterfall filling small rock pools. It was so pretty, and we scrambled up the side of the valley to get to the garden that lay beyond. Next to the garden (where they grew most of their fruit and vegetables) a bonfire had been started, and there were tents, tipis, tarps and cabins around for us to sleep in. I was in a tipi, along with 12 other girls, even though the tipis are really only supposed to fit 8 people! It was a little crowded, but it was fun, though I’m pretty sure I woke up in the middle of the night with a bug on my face. Yuck!
On the way to the Ecovillage
Walking around the Ecovillage
In the tipi
View from the Ecovillage
 The next morning we drove back to Ajaccio where we had shore leave. October 11th was departure day, but we had shore leave again until early afternoon. A group of us went for a hike. Corsica is a lot more mountainous than I expected, and the hike took us up and up. It wound around the side of the mountains and in and out of the trees. The view was amazing and we looked out onto the bay and Ajaccio below. We only had shore leave until 3pm though, and as we hiked it kept getting later and later, and the trail seemed to keep going up! We were going as quickly as we could and we were so hungry, but we finally made it to the town at the end of the hike and reached the bus stop to catch the bus back to Ajaccio. The bus came only 10 minutes later and we went back to the city where we got gelato and bread from the bakery for lunch! It was so good, and we ate as we hurried back to the ship just in time for curfew! About an hour later I sat on the boat deck as we left France behind.
The hike
Awesome view from the hike!
Gelato! Yum!

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