Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Lisbon, Portugal - Parent Port!

October 23, 2012 – October 27, 2012 

Parent port! We had our grand arrival (which wasn’t so grand) on the 23rd, but my parents didn’t arrive until later that day. Almost all of the other students had left the ship, either with their parents, or in groups, so I was sitting on the boat deck with the people who were gangway when I saw my parents walking down the dock! We went out for lunch at a café overlooking the docks, and then went back to their hotel. It was so nice to get a bit of quiet time after living on a ship with 50 other students! We had a relaxing day, went out for an awesome supper of tapas, and then I had to report back to the ship at midnight. I wish we could have stayed with our parents, but at least they gave us a late curfew to be able to spend some more time with them.


On the second day they picked me up at the ship after colours and cleaning stations, and we went to a market in Lisbon. It was pretty late in the morning at that point, so there wasn’t too much happening at the market, but I got to get some fresh fruit!! Yum! That’s one thing that I really miss because we don’t get much on the ship.
We didn’t do too much touring the whole time I was in Lisbon since it was so nice to just relax and spend time with my parents. We did visit the maritime museum (with lots of model ships, and even one of a ship that one of our officers on board used to sail on!) and the monument of the discoverers which is a huge statue with a map of the world in paving stones below it, which is one of Lisbon’s landmarks.
My mom and I at the monument of the disoverers

On our third day in port we gave a tour of the ship to our families. We rotated through stations where they got to learn about various aspects of ship life, such as cleaning stations, hammocks and bunks, going aloft, watch, etc. It was cool to see everyone’s families on board and to show them around our home for the year. 
Watch 5 deck scrubbing demo

Departure day came next, much too soon. It was so great to be able to see my parents though, and we students waved to our families who stood on the dock as we left Lisbon, and set off on our way to Morocco!

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