Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Sail to Rio de Janeiro – a new year and a new semester to come!

December 26, 2012 – January 7, 2013
Happy New Year!! To all of you in Saskatchewan, I rang in the New Year with you at 4am ship time while I was on watch! We had left Natal behind 6 days before, on Boxing Day, bound for another Brazilian port: Rio de Janeiro. Being the last sail of the semester, classes were coming to an end which meant…finals! They started on January 2nd; welcome to the New Year! Exams lasted only three days, but it was a long three days. It was hard to find the time I needed to study in between watch and classes, and if night watch wasn’t already difficult, staying up late studying beforehand definitely made it so!
Once finals ended though, everything as so nice and relaxed; we had no more school to worry about so we could just enjoy the last few days of the semester. What a great semester it’s been! We ended it off with another BBQ, lots of debriefing, then a crew night where we simply spent time together on our last night as a crew. It was tough to say goodbye to friends who won’t be coming back next semester; our semester one crew has had some amazing times together and I can hardly believe that four months have already gone by!
I look forward to the adventures that semester two will hold, but in the meantime, we will have a much needed break! I can’t wait to see my family again!

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